These are my favorite flash games!
This is a game called Super Mario 63. I'ts kinda' like a mix of Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine, but 2d. It's very well made, and even has a level editor. Click the image to get to the game!
This is Portal: The Flash Version. It's based off of Valve's popular game Portal. Click on the image to get to the game.
This is Mari0. Mari0 is a game that is also based on Portal. Except that this time, Mario has a Portal Gun, and has up to 4 player multiplayer! So it gets really crazy. You need to download it before you can play it. Click on the image to get to the game.
Atomic Puzzle 2 is a puzzle game. With atoms. Yeah. Click here to play it.
BasketBalls is a fun game where you play basketball in an odd and unrealistic way. Click here to play it.